By Kathryn Marino
Stonehill student Emma Allan was sitting at her desk Monday, doing homework when she felt the ground shake and noticed her highlighter falling to the ground.
She said she was confused at first and asked her housemates and others if they felt it.
What she felt was a mild earthquake felt in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maine.
According to CBS News, the earthquake was centered off Maine. New Jersey and New York residents also experienced a hit of similar magnitude just last week.
“This is like a once-in-every-five-years kind of earthquake," John Ebel, a senior scientist with the Weston Observatory at Boston College, told WBZ-TV.
The earthquake was felt throughout the Stonehill campus.
Stonehill student Alex Paglia said that the earthquake woke her up.
Claire Sawyer also felt the earthquake and ran straight to her friend's room to see if they too had felt the earthquake.